Saturday, June 20, 2009


This time I will focus my post not on the buildings, the theming, the details of Disneyland Paris, but on one of the rarest and most beautiful sights over there: the blue sky. Can you believe that in 10 years of trips to Disneyland Paris this is the FIRST time I happened to enjoy a blue sky (sometimes with sparse clouds wich made it even more enchanting) for the whole stay, that's three days in a row! Enjoy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Details details details

Disneyland Paris nevese ceases to surprise me. Look at the intricated work I found right after the entrance, to the left of Town Square, just right in front of the restrooms. Simly amazing.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Candy galore

There no Sunday morning stroll on Main Street U.S.A. without a visit to the Candy Palace to grab some candies to survive the walk to Sleeping Beauty's Castles. Those of you who follow this blog since its launch will probably remember my fond love for this store on Disneyland Paris' Main Street and my concerns when I first heard it was going to be refurbished slighly more than a year ago. My friend at "Sparkling Castle" blog visited the new shop a few months after its reopening and said quite good things about it, yet I was scared. Well, now I saw with my own very eyes and can fully agree with him! The color scheme is ligher and fluffier without being corny and cheesy. The ceiling now features a wallaper looking like a pink and white striped tent wich looks really fresh and elegant at the same time. And now, for you to enjoy, some of my pictures of this place. Too bad you can't smell the vanilla fudge perfume pervading this place...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Back from Disneyland, ready to post

Less than a week ago, I was enjoying my time at the Disneyland Resort Paris, where I spent four full magical days. That basically means one hugely good thing for this blog: I have tons of new pictures to share with you! Everything was magic as usual there but the biggest surprise was the weather wich, for the first time in my experience of Disneyland Paris, was incredibly mild and pleasant, with clear blue skies dotted by innocent clouds, a sparkling breeze and that cuddling warmth it just makes you feel happy to be alive. So... Ready, set, go!

You should all now bu now I really love Main Street U.S.A. and always start my visit with a nice and quiet stroll, taking my time to listen to the music, watch the beautiful buildings and wonder at those beautiful little details. Like this sign on the Main Street Transport Deposit...

...or these intricated wood swirls gracing the waiting area in front of the restrooms...

And what about the American flag framed by the colums of the Emporium?

or the entrance to the Liberty Arcade?

Oh by the way, I live here...

and that's where I usually have my cup of coffee in the morning (sigh!)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Let's all visit the Sparkling Castle

I just wanted to suggest you a brand new blog that just opened today: it's called Sparkling Castle and it belongs to one of the most talented drawers I know. He's a huge disney theme park and animation fan and he's so talented that if he likes an animated movie and would love to enjoy the never built dark ride inspired by it, he just picks up a pencil and draws it. Or if he's unsatisfied with the average quality of the Disneyland Paris souvenirs, he just designs new ones just for himself. Take a look at his artwork and judge for yourself.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time for some window sightseeing

First, please all welcome Isabel Girão and John Rozum, Town Square Photography's new followers. Thanks Isabel and John: hope to keep up to your expectations!
Let then move to this post's subject: the wonderful windows of Main Stree U.S.A.! One of the most underrated yet most delightful features of Main Street U.S.A., the windows of Main Street feature wondeful designs and shapes and incredibly detailed decorations. The rushing-to-nowhere kind of guests will probably not even realise there's actually something to enjoy not at eye-level, so let's just have pity of them and move on :-) Instead, take-your-time kind of guests, like we are, will grab some rice crispies treats at the candy store then raise their eyes and not only enjoy the incredibly detailed designs but also learn something new about the people who made this park a reality.

Like Michael Eisner and Frank Wells who joined the company in 1984 (just the perfect time to translate with ease in turn-of-the-century Main Street)...

...or Robert Fitzpatrick, chairman of the Euro Disney Resort until 1993, well known for his famous reply to French intellectuals speaking out against american colonisation of the French culture ("We didn’t come in and say O.K., we’re going to put a beret and a baguette on Mickey Mouse. We are who we are) wich backfired in almost no time in titles on the newspaper saying Americans see French as the lousiest stereotype".

One apologie: sometimes my English is fine, sometimes it just sucks. This time sucked. Please have mercy of it today. Mamma mia!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fantasyland Theatre

There's an insisting rumor that the Fantasyland Theatre in Fantasyland at Disneyland Paris will be bulldozed in the following years to make way to the European version of Disney's Calfornia Adventure's "The Little Mermaid" ride wich is rumored to be of the best ride WDI ever designed. The Fantasyland Theatre is a lovely building made of bricks, glass and steel and even though it was definitely not used as much as planned, if rumors prove true and the building will be demolished, I will surely miss it. That said, I building and attractions won rewards based on the numers of pictures taken of it, Famtasyland Theatre would be cursed: here are the only two pictures I found in more that ten trip to Disneyland Resort Paris.

This last one, taken on a foggy winter day, is from the right side, close to Alice's Curious Labyrinth and you can see the Fantasyland station on top of the theatre building. I'm surely going to take some more pictures of it next May.